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分享 男子手写爱心T恤提醒陌生人关照怀孕妻子(图)
sy649102 2012-7-14 03:50
网友拍摄的孕妇t恤   网友“cinya”在商场遇见一个妊妇,背地一排手写红字“请帮我照料下,我老婆怀孕了。”温馨周密的老公,引发了网友热闹探讨,将其封为“史上最有爱老公”,号令全部男同胞学习学习。   网友“cinya”的原帖为:姐去逛商场,无意间巧遇一件极幽默又激动的事,一个穿白色t恤的孕妇,衣服当面一 ...
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分享 38岁男老师涉嫌猥亵多名六年级女生(图)
sy649102 2012-7-13 14:15
  产生事件的小学很安静,接孩子们的家长偶然还会提起,但相对不会让孩子知道。他们不想让孩子纯粹的心受传染。可是不知道那些受害孩子的心,由谁来安慰。记者于岛摄   是老师爱好孩子,偶然摸一摸?还是对未成年的女孩有了不可告人的主意?   至今,在沈阳市沈河区北部地域四周的一所学校内外,对此事仍有不同 ...
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分享 小狗被搬家主人遗弃 原地等1个月双眼红肿流泪
sy649102 2012-7-13 04:04
小狗原地苦守1个月   片子《八公犬物语》讲述了一只名叫“八公”的狗狗,在主人离世后,仍天天在站台等待主人达十年之久。   在成都市跳蹬河南路,也有一只小黄狗,1个月来,它两眼红肿流泪,守在被主人抛弃的处所。   小黄狗的执着激动了附近的居民,有人带来食物想领养它,它却不为所动。为了留在原地不被人 ...
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分享 Xiaoyan has been sent back home in Sichuan
woxinfei78 2012-7-2 19:39
- workers ryu  outsiders the impression psychologists - jiangmou table brother zhang jiangmou and xiaoyan mother, ralph lauren pas cher , has long parted him from his home to go back to the year before the eldest daughter to take care of yesterday afternoon, for ...
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分享 The traffic police has been burst claiming to be the performance of official dut
bsqvlkfd3p 2012-7-2 14:04
on the other hand, アディダス スニーカー , we also hope that the driver can observe the traffic rules, not to plug plus blocking "is already very congested city, can be more understanding and communication between the masses and the traffic police, ralph lauren pas cher , because only rely on every ...
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分享 Ralph Lauren pas cher Facts And History Of Jewelry
vdff39ev 2012-7-2 13:54
the word jewelry refers to the various items of ornamentation. its origin can be traced to the old french term joule which referred to several items like rings, louboutin pas cher , bracelets and necklaces, ralph lauren pas cher , in the 13th century. jewelry has performed several functions other t ...
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分享 男子扮黑社会寄2000封敲诈信
sy649102 2012-7-2 13:07
  本报讯(记者王秋实)男子高勇、刘冰原来跟黑社会不要紧,却混充房山“周老八”团伙的漏网职员,寄出2000封讹诈信勒索财物。昨天记者获悉,只管不一人汇款,但两人的行动已经形成巧取豪夺罪,海淀法院分辨判处他们有期徒刑5年跟4年6个月。   据悉,高勇、刘冰均为河南安阳人,由于嗜赌输了不少钱,为了赚点钱补上亏 ...
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分享   In the river
woxinfei78 2012-7-2 10:54
, louboutin     village committee when the missing persons handling   in the river, アディダス サッカー , the villagers found that the leaves strong group of motorcycle, franklin marshall pas cher , helmet, burberry , keys and other mess scattered on the ground. villagers lower ...
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分享 high-end digital products
sophie8urx 2012-7-2 10:52
after investigation and analysis of this number, the police found that the holder of this number is the one who have been deceived of telecommunications fraud. the people who were fooled alarm on july 25 last year, said home network sales of digital products on the grounds cheated 9494 yuan. ...
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分享 女子应聘收银员盗取营业款
sy649102 2012-7-2 02:32
  成都商报讯 (记者 袁勇 实习生 江凌)成都商报记者昨日从双流县公安局获悉,一女子效仿影视作品中的神偷,成果将本人送进了双流县看管所。   4月以来,双流县公安局接踵接到多家网吧、超市、旅店老板报案,称营业款被盗。而案发现场不留下任何有价值的线索。民警将所有案子放在一起剖析,发明这些偷盗案有一个独特 ...
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